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A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag and Dependency Factored Model


Supertagging in lexicalized grammar parsing is known as almost parsing (Bangalore and Joshi, 1999), in that each supertag is syntactically informative and most ambiguities are resolved once a correct supertag is assigned to every word. Recently this property is effectively exploited in A* Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG; Steedman (2000)) parsing (Lewis and Steedman, 2014; Lewis et al., 2016), in which the probability of a CCG tree y on a sentence x of length N is the product of the probabilities of supertags (categories) ci (locally factored model):
P (y|x) = ∏ i∈[1,N] P_tag (ci|x). (1)
By not modeling every combinatory rule in a derivation, this formulation enables us to employ efficient A* search (see Section 2), which finds the most probable supertag sequence that can build a well-formed CCG tree.
Although much ambiguity is resolved with this supertagging, some ambiguity still remains. Figure 1 shows an example, where the two CCG parses are derived from the same supertags. Lewis et al.’s approach to this problem is resorting to some deterministic rule. For example, Lewis et al. (2016) employ the attach low heuristics, which is motivated by the right-branching tendency of English, and always prioritizes (b) for this type
of ambiguity. Though for English it empirically works well, an obvious limitation is that it does not always derive the correct parse; consider a phrase “a house in Paris with a garden”, for which the correct parse has the structure corresponding to (a) instead.
In this paper, we provide a way to resolve these remaining ambiguities under the locally factored model, by explicitly modeling bilexical dependencies as shown in Figure 1. Our joint model is still locally factored so that an efficient A* search can be applied. The key idea is to predict the head of every word independently as in Eq. 1 with a strong unigram model, for which we utilize the scoring model in the recent successful graph-based dependency parsing on LSTMs (Kiperwasser and Goldberg, 2016; Dozat and Manning, 2016). Specifically, we extend the bi-directional LSTM (bi-LSTM) architecture of Lewis et al. (2016) predicting the supertag of a word to predict the head of it at the same time with a bilinear transformation.
The importance of modeling structures beyond supertags is demonstrated in the performance gain in Lee et al. (2016), which adds a recursive component to the model of Eq. 1. Unfortunately, this formulation loses the efficiency of the original one since it needs to compute a recursive neural network every time it searches for a new node. Our model does not resort to the recursive networks while modeling tree structures via dependencies.
We also extend the tri-training method of Lewis et al. (2016) to learn our model with dependencies from unlabeled data. On English CCGbank test data, our model with this technique achieves 88.8% and 94.0% in terms of labeled and unlabeled F1, which mark the best scores so far.
Besides English, we provide experiments on Japanese CCG parsing. Japanese employs freer
word order dominated by the case markers and a deterministic rule such as the attach low method may not work well. We show that this is actually the case; our method outperforms the simple application of Lewis et al. (2016) in a large margin, 10.0 points in terms of clause dependency accuracy.