This site contains Lambek's recent papers, nearly all written in this millennium. They are mostly undated, so I have sorted them by subject matter, which mostly breaks up into linguistics, physics, and category theory. Most of the category theory was for the linguistics. Some of the papers are not complete, since I got them from his typist. Some were published (and I have provided the citations) and some are not. Among the unpublished, most are undated and a couple seem to be duplicates, doubtless revisions. If anyone figures out which the latest version is, I will try to remove the duplicates. If I was able to download the actual publication, it appears as a normal citation. If the citation is preceded by "Appeared in:", I was not able to download the actual publication, but I compiled and included the source file for what may not be the final version. Dates of writing or of appearance are provided when discernible. All in all it is a remarkable amount of writing for someone aged between 75 and 90. According to MathSciNet, he had 19 publications between 2001 and 2013.